1:38 AM ---
First let’s take a look at what it means to be a hacker. Many people assume hackers speak a mysterious arcane language or know all the secret codes to unlock the internet. The truth is, they simply understand the rules of the system…and how to exploit them. Computers are simply complex systems of command codes running on top of one another. It’s all very linear and mathematical. The “sacred language” we mentioned before is called binary code. It’s a system of 0s and 1s that computers use to communicate. It’s basically a loooong serious of Yeses and Nos, repeating over and over to create patterns of command and response. The bells and whistles are all coded with binary. Math. That’s right. You want to learn how to become a hacker?


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H4CK3R W4N73D>>>>>U C4N H4CK I7????